Where Dogs Can Be Dogs! (for dog boarding Campers especially:)

From administering medications, to extra one-on-one attention, to rotating Campers in and out of play yards throughout the day, this is the place!
Simple baths and toenail clippings are available upon request. For more information on pricing, please visit the Pricing page.
With three large play yards, all Canine Campers receive plenty of opportunity to sun bathe or stretch their legs--at no extra cost!
Nowadays, there are so many social media platforms to choose from, it's been decided to simply send videos of our Campers directly to you!
You'd be surprised at some of the questions we're asked, but these answers will hopefully cover the basics!
Day care options are available, though due to K-9 Camp's location, some (human) customers may prefer to seek us out for those long-term or overnight stays
Whether you Google "long term boarding near me" or are looking for a weekend spot, K-9 Camp shines at giving the best, roomiest, spacious stays with plenty of outside time all-included in the price
This is as much a labor of love as it is a family-owned business. Along with our competitive pricing, customers also receive 25 years of pet care experience
So, what's our mission? To provide safe, personal, specialized care to every furry family member of yours that has been entrusted into our care. And yes, PETS are FAMILY, even if some are bound and determined to be career escape artists. (Don't worry--we have plenty of affection for the troublemakers, too:)
The White Mountain K-9 Camp, LLC was opened in 2005, and was bought by us, the Lewis family, in 2008. We've operated this little gem from our on-site home ever since! Courtney, who is now fully in charge, has over 25 years of pet care experience, graduated from UC Davis and is now working her dream job.
Each Camper will be given the best possible care based on their individual needs. Different behaviors require different approaches. If we decide it is unsafe to rotate certain Campers into the play yards, etc., we're prepared to adjust the normal routine in order to ensure everyone's safety.
It is the K-9 Camp's policy to NEVER co-mingle, which means Campers from separate households will NOT be rotated into play yards together. They do, however, have indirect contact with neighbors through fencelines and the kennels--so it's still a pretty social place!
Daily care for your loved pets while you're at work or away.
Includes multiple rotations into play yards and one meal.
Regular pricing based on usage of one kennel
All three in one kennel? Yes, ours are spacious!
Kitty campers stay in cattery not kennel
First medication/supplement administration does not add to boarding fee. Two or more meds, will change fee. Speak with us! 928.536.2908
All three in one kennel? Yes, ours are spacious!
Kitty campers stay in cattery not kennel
Add a description about this category
This is a price range, due to details such as coat condition and size of Camper
This price also depends on Camper's coat, size, and overall willingness to subject their paws to a nail trim
note: if campers show severe signs of stress or anxiety, we reserve the right to decline pursuing the requested service to ensure everyone's safety.
Canine Campers
The White Mountain K-9 Camp, LLC requires:
*Combination shot (DHLPP, DA2P, all other variations that include Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, and Parainfluenza)
While many, many boarding facilities have varying vaccination standards based on location, common local exposures, and other considerations, we're not big fans of over-vaccinating our family members. Therefore, based on our experience, we DO NOT require Campers to have the Bordatella vaccine/boosters.
Bordatella vaccines are optional, however, if you feel your four-legged kids should have extra protection, we do ask that the Camper receives it 3-5 days prior to their stay.
Kitty Campers
The White Mountain K-9 Camp, LLC requires:
*Combo shot (aka FVRCP)
Bordatella vaccines are highly ineffective and can actually cause the infection...similarly to the flu vaccine for humans. Administration of Bordatella vaccines can stress the immune system. If you would like to learn more, click below and scroll down to the quote from Ronald Schultz, PhD...
Just a simple barn, eh? Nope!
Don't be fooled...there are more Campers expecting Courtney outside! Most Campers have a habit of running outside when they think she'll open the back door:)
About to be rotated into the play yards!
What a cool sight...natural light even with most doors closed!
Happy puppies and happy older kids alike!
Blue Bell (aka Buddha Bell) and Zuzu sporting their greenery...Blue Bell got the bow tie by default!
It can be stressful to board your pet. If you have any questions or concerns about how we make your pet's home away from home, please reach out. We will get back to you soon!
Fall/Winter Hours: Monday - Sunday 8am - 6pm
Spring/Summer Hours: Monday-Sunday 7am-7pm
Open all holidays (though we try to limit the amount of business on Christmas and July 4)
Yes, go ahead and bring whatever food they're accustomed to at home--and bring enough for the duration of the stay. Switching foods can upset tummies:(
If you prefer, we will definitely put whatever bedding/beds you bring for them...but we must warn you--don't bring anything you'll miss 'cuz sometimes bedding doesn't survive! We do have plenty of expendible bedding for them at no extra cost.
The kennel does have a propane heater and also has a mobile air-conditioning unit for those hot summer days. We also have misters and water tubs (for all our water lovers of the four-legged kind)
Every Camper, minus the real mischievous and super nervous, will get rotated in and out of play yards every day of their stay at no extra cost. Outside time should not be a matter of price, b/c EVERYONE benefits from it.
We are an indoor-outdoor facility, meaning a portion of our kennels are indoor (4X4X6ft) and a portion are outdoor runs( 15X4X6ft). All Campers have access to both sections throughout the day until they're tucked inside for the night.
K-9 Camp protocol is to call you first, to discuss the situation. If time warrants, we will then call your veterinarian. If time is of the essence, we will call the closest vet and proceed to take action that is in the utmost interest of our Camper.
We do provide a taxi service for Campers we've met previously. First-stay Campers tend to be nervous/anxious until they learn to trust us and their new (fun) environment. In our experience, it is sometimes hard to get first-stay Campers out of our vehicles. To prevent stress, it is just best for them to be introduced to us and the place by family members.
We do give medications at the request of each Camper's owner at no extra cost. We sometimes ask for printed/written instructions, or for permission to write the dosage/frequency on the top of each bottle
Yes. Our facility is very sturdy, and we do love our bully breeds!
No, although Courtney does work on simple manners for the sake of rotating dog boarding Campers in and out of play yards. All in-depth training requests are referred to Karen Lewis (previous full-time owner and mother to Courtney, the current full-time owner). Please call the business number, (928) 536-2908 for more info!
We're friendly, outgoing and easy to speak with...and b/c it's easier to slip a cordless phone into a back pocket than to check emails (most days the job requires both hands:), the best way to get all of your questions answered, is to call (928) 536-2908
If you come in for a tour, or take another look at photos of our indoor section of the facility, you may notice a white powdery substance on the floor. It's called diatomaceous earth, a natural bug killer. We also use it to treat the soil in each play yard, and the kind we use is food-grade, so it is absolutely safe for Campers to be around!
Whether it's a little boo-boo on the nose, or another simple abrasion, we use natural products (human-grade) to administer first--for non-emergency situations. Melaleuca Gel is an equivalent of triple antibiotic ointment. Coconut oil is great for anything from dental discomfort to eye drops. Neem oil is an applicable bug deterrent and works well to repel flies.
Each Camper will handle stress and/or allergies in their own way, despite all the affection we can give them here at K-9 Camp. Hot spots are first treated with used tea bags, then the area around them is trimmed, disinfected with a medicated shampoo, and treated with some Mela Gel.
Some customers start out by telling us their furry-kids have a hard time eating and/or drinking in a kennel setting. In our experience, juuuust a lil bone broth or milk can go a long way to add incentive for our more sensitive Campers to partake in their meals or to hydrate properly.
While most kennels may provide acceptable accommodations and facilities, the amount of interaction between Campers and humans is vital to reduce the effects of stress, separation, or learning to trust a new environment. That, as they say, is our specialty!